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Help us raise money



PHB is a not-for-profit arts organization founded in 1980. It is registered in the Province of Ontario, Canada, as a Corporation Without Share Capital. Furthermore, it is federally registered with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) as a charity, and has been since 1988.


We support our basic operations from our performances. However, our income is meager to sustain our present and growing needs. Such as free music lessons for underprivileged kids, recruitment, camps, additional music staff, gala uniform replacement, instrument and equipment rental or purchase, office needs, and special programs. It is for these reasons that we reach out to individuals and companies for donations.


Clicking a donation button below leads to a secure site to complete transaction. 


Donations from within Canada may be receipted for income tax purposes. Donor names will be published or may remain anonymous upon donor's request.

© 2017 Philippine Heritage Band

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